12th May,2008...tht ws the day i set my foot in the SISC centre,noida. Mesmerised by the aura of enterin the "CorPorate World" I was just like a little child, soakin in evry detail, anxious about the days to come.
I still remember cleary how out of place i felt on my first day at work. I felt like a child trapped in the grown up world. The feelin was a mix of anxiety,curiousity, fear, something very difficult to apprehend. But back in my mind I never ever dreamt of making friends, having masti. I mellowed my hyper self, and thought maybe thats how the professional life I have dreamt all along about, looks like, UP CLOSE and PERSONAL. And trust me it wasn't a comforting thought. I remember telling my mom that day, I might not do a 9-5 job afterall, its soo dull and monotonous. She was stumped coz as far as I could remember, thats what I always told her I wanted to do.
With all these doubts and anxieties stil hobbling in ma mind, I started my intern. Well, I was assigned a mentor(due to censorship issues I refrain myself from divulging more about him:D)and was asked to luk up the net and do some self study. I happily obliged coz that gave me a brilliant chance to do tym pass on net. Little did I know how boring that would turn.:P.Finally one of the guys from my department, whom I initially presumed to be chinese although, he is from guwahti, came up to me and talked. His name is Kamal Boro, lolz, I know a funny name, and let me tell u he is an equally idiotic guy, but sometimes hes fun to hang around wid(don't mind yaa).He is the most vella banda of samsung, koi kaam nhi hai iske paas!!Tp karana ho cafeteria mein to he is evrready, n iski office mein jo image hai...uske baare mein to main kya hi kahu:P:P,bt hes a nice buddy to have..ulti helpful n total gapodi:P!!So as I was saying, I finally started interacting with people, who initially were no less than aliens to me I could never dream of gelling with. How wrong can We be??
What followed was talks with "almost everyone" in my department and well to my surprise, they didnt bite or kil me.lol..infact I started enjoyin my office hours. I could talk with ease with evry1, be it Garima(shes the sweetest), leela(who reminds me of my friends mom), moses(gosh his name is soo tough), rashmi(a cuteheart),nitin patney..wht do i say abt him, shubra(independent women of today) and more.Then came the most fun part of my Intern...my staff bus, to catch which I used to get up at 6..lolz...funny corporate timings. My first few days in the bus were quite dull which I passed either listening to my songs or catching a quick nap. Well I regret y i wasted thoz days, coz I was later enlightened ,bus ride cudnt hav been more fun, . They were literally the best moments of my day in the past two months. The people in my bus are just all bindaas..total freaks jst like me..lolz...its ma last week at office and i knw it as a fact that of al the things, its the bus and its ppl tht m gonna miss the most..:(:(..m olready feelin sad abt tht...newyz...so..it happened..my earphones slipped from my ears and so i heard the conversation going on in the bus. A guys wid red hair(lolz,details to follow soon) was enactin sumthin. Its then I realised the whole bus was busy playing dumb charades, n sumhw I jst ended up tellin one of the movies being enacted. Thinking I jst helped them with a muvie, evrybdy readily asked me to join them. From then on there was no looking back. What followed were some rigorous, passionate sessions of playing dumb charades.A guy named alok(evn thgh he is married, it doesnt reflect on his face..lolzz.he is a kid at heart and hes my stop mate, we talk crap daily n do some weird mornin walk too:D) came up with huge databased sheets of movie names. I saw the most bizzare movie collection ever with movies like "efter bryluppet" to "sookhe naale ki tairti laash" being enacted with such enthusiasm as never before. It was like the route 11 bus was bit by the dumb charade syndrome. Another unique person in our bus, mr faris or lovingly called pharizzz changed his stop so he could enjoi sum more precious moments of the game, n he can never tire from askin u sum freak IQ questns,:P, btw he is also the moral police of our bus.I cant help but smile thinking about the antique pieces our bus is filled with. Our vineeta mam, uff dimmag bhakshi, who is in the hunt to find her mr perfect(lol), praaven aka pka,whoz a total gapodi lyk me, kuch bhi bakwaas karwaa lo, he cn jst keep on blabbering without tirin n i end up bein the only one laughin at his lame jokes.., neha mam with her ever loud eye language(mind u she scare the hell out of u with her eye gestures) n jst recently i gotta knw she has been wrkin evr since forver,she is vivacious and lively.., mr SABU...lolz...,aapka abhijeet hehe, ajeet...oops ajit, he has got a very cute infectious smile..lolz(i nvr told u tht)...n i sumhw feel so tempted to trouble him be it with my crap smses or idiotic mails or jst pullin his leg but he is a total shareef guy, jst lyk me...lolz...so u cn imagine hw shareef he wud b,n he has gt his funny bone jst in place, mr manish, the red haired guy, ankit jinki baatein khatam hi nhi hoti, he has a capaity to talk n mak ppl listen to him n b4 crackin a joke he wil nvr forget to say," main ek baat batata hun, hasna mat..n he wil burst into a laughing fit".
Disclaimer: heartiest apologies if I forgot to mention about sum1:(
N how could I forget my next desk punjabi neighbour, Mr gaurav. He is cute, photo mein style maarne ka shauk ahi(thts ma personal observation), ulti friendly n he helped me in debuggin ma code many a tymz, n yeah,,he loves jannat songs lyk nethin, he listens to them al day along..lolz..n he tries n act busy evn whn hes nt..
Thats hw I met some of the most wonderful people I hav evr knwn, serendipitously. N I got sum of most fun n cherished n memorable memories...n i evn learnt hw to play cows n bulls...lolz....m gonna terribly miss thoz fun filled moments, the constant leg pullin of vineeta mam, bina baat pe hasna, talkin absurd nonsense, being treated lyk a kid, the metrowalk outin with ajit and praveen n our ride in auto bck home,the horrible indiana jones movie wid kamal, in which he actually slept and evn snored...lolz..the kachoris of hanuman mandir..these small moments r wht made me the happiest, this is wht m gonna miss, all of it...this was more enrichin learnin experince thn i antcipated and m gonna tak bck with me more than i thght I will...m gonna tak bck some beautiful memories!!!!