My heart aches. The emotions that confront me aren’t alien but are willing. I feel lost, heart broken, betrayed, let down. These words might actually seem like a euphemism to my agony. And then again I know my hurt is warranted. I have every right to be mad and yell curses for tonight of all the nights; I wanted my belief to be salvaged and not bedraggled. India lost yet again another match and failed to deliver when they most needed to(story of their life…tell me about it). But the win was so desperately needed to clutch on the dwindling hope of millions that we still could win this tournament, that
“yeh cup kahi nhi jayega”. But the world came crashing down the minute Yuvi gave away those 5runs in the last over, the moment we realized how bad Indian batting faired against the short balls those giants fusilladed on us, the moment that newbie Jadeja slogged on the crease as if he was Dravid part2 in becoming, the moment Yuvi got out and MSD came to bat instead of Yousuf and tons of such moments where we were once again let down by the dilatory Indian batting and how even scoring singles was looking no less a herculean task to them. But still many hearts refused to abandon hope, to forsake their warriors in the trying time and hoped for a miracle. Its funny how hopelessly can hope make us hope. They watched dolefully as their warriors lost the battle they so badly wanted them to win, to bring back to them what they thought was rightfully yours, the win, the glistening cup!!! On 14th (err..actually 15th¬ ) June 2009, Indian cricket team wrote another disappointing chapter in their cricket saga, the one that will take a valiant effort to be overshadowed.
Welcome to the despondent (beyond repair) heart of just
‘another’ cricket fan. I might not be manifested to call myself the most proficient “cricket buff” but I share with many across this nation, the brotherhood (or sisterhood or whatever) of
‘cricket hood’. The emotions the game is capable of begetting are phenomenal. Its power can unite the nation in a common wave of hysteria and frenzy, every pair of lips praying, chanting under their breath for their icon to do the miracle he is being deified for. The stats don’t really support the answering of his prayers though but that’s an altogether different ballgame. For time and again we have been let down by the team we have come to idolize but come another game and our idols are again glorified. The
‘Diva’ shines. He is all over the place, making it to headlines, giving candid interviews with an ease that would put to shame the best in the industry. His nonchalance is flummoxing. His every move a subject of pursuit for the ever eager reporters, his every save lauded and with every miss he is doggoned. A moment he is the savior and the next the nation is questioning his allegiance with the team and wondering if he is actually playing to win or has he sided with the
‘Devil’ himself. He is scrutinized for all he does. The delirium of the fans often shares border with insanity with a missed catch being termed as foul play on the part of the player and his house burnt down in one harebrained moment. Well such are the rules of game, and don’t we
‘love to hate it’ and
‘hate to love it’. We Indians are always their to cheer the team we root for so passionately but we wont miss a chance to kick their butts the moment their falter. We curse the Dhonis and the Jadejas for their lackadaisical performance. But then the compassionate heart of a cricket buff is quick to forgive and give it warriors another chance to get it right and so goes the vicious circle, of heart break followed by reckless burning of effigies, of smiles followed by triumphant celebrations.
Our love for the game is deep and passionate. Our love for the game is fickle and superficial. Which is it? Do Indians really love cricket? It is futile to generalise about an entire country – each individual has his own relationship with the game – but certain patterns of love and longing for cricket run through the country. And outside it. Non-resident Indians around the world pine for cricket as if their lover is an ocean away, and go to insane lengths to stay in touch. Cricket is often termed a religion in this nation of crores that bind the Tatas and the Thelawalas, the mantri and his santri, the senile and the juvenile. Though Hockey is the national game of India, it lost its pre-eminence due to the emergence of Cricket. It’s an emotion that transcends all barriors and connects the heart…bole to direct
‘Dil Se’ and you really don’t a telecom company for that, trust me on that. Many regard this game as the one of
‘d commoner’ considering them too high-toned to as much as even glance at it and I can’t help but pity their souls for they will never realize the cacoethes this game brings with it. The EUPHORIA surpasses anything any soul could have witnessed before and brings with it is what the heart of a buff yearns for and thrives on as for them; nothing could taste sweeter than the victory, an Indian win. For the world it might be just a game, for us Indians it’s like an obsession. And many a times our mind wander in the oblivion, thinking, dreamin…Will this obsession change ever? Cricket is already competing with more and more alternatives for a potential fan’s time. What is called the shortest form of the game takes up half a day. Can cricket retain its following as the years go by? Will Indians still have time for the game ten years from now? Reason says it won’t. But what does love know of reason?