Dumb jst gt dumber!!
The idiot box jst gt idiotic…I dunnw whts up wid d tv producers…n wht xactly thy gt in mind whn makin thoz soaps tht never end(hw u wish ur dear Dove ws lyk tht..:P)..those reality shws which r evn more pathetic thn d saas-bahu sagas…d news channel who gt in them to sensationalize a haircut by aamir…n telecast it 4 days to come…pheew…god save ma mom n ur mom..n their moms(wonder y so many moms gt victimized:P)…n all ur near n dear ones…bitten bt the tv bug…coz thr future is dark….really dark…darker thn ur tv screen….
The reason y m writin abt ol this is…nt the recent Mumbai terror strikes(gosh!!tht ws sad n heartbreakin)..or the financial meltdown..or the unremitting indo-pak issue..sittin on a nuclear bomb..or whatever blah blah u cud b thinkin…well..while jst surfin thru sum of the channels..which m still sane enuf to watch I accidentally stumbled upon(shhh…ma bad luck:S)..one of the talk shows…GTalk(nt the chat thing yaa…it stands for I think..girl talk:P..) on MTv…n mann…wasn’t I amazed…the two hot chicks hosting the shw wer ex-roadies..Shambhavi and Anmol...n cant say much abt shambhavi bt I had dis notion tht anmol cud b a babe…bt she had sum substance 2her(primarily coz she ws the only bimbo who knew who our president ws amongst the roadies:P and partly coz we share Punjabi..funjabi jeans..oops..genes..lol)…but butttt…buuutttt……hw wrng I ws…well..they wer chattin on the trend of PDA wid d youngistaan of india..n the dehati views thy wer givin really drove me nuts..i really hate hypocrites…n whn thoz jumbo dumbos…dressed as skimpily as d cloth cud allow(I really gt nthin against tht)…wer tryin to act all sati savitry..n blamin evry damn couple 4bein loud n all…I ws lyk..wtf…go get a lyf…I mean hw cud thy, of all the ppl…have issues on ppl makin out in discs or pubs..m nt a gr8 fan of pda n I loathe ppl gng overboard shwin their love on the streets…in d café..or sum family places…bt discs…wtf..who really cares…I realized tht day..i havnt seen all of the gurl bimboness(dunnw if its actually a word;),,bt whtever)..seriously yaa..spare the care…
Gosh..m lucky to b away 4m dis creepy monster..m happy tht ma coll admin had d sanity left to discourage tv viewership…n I jst hope…tht sumday…maybb one bright sunny morning…the television will once again be revolutionized….for bettr…