Seven things that scare you:
1. A lizard
2. Psychos on power trip
3. Goons with guns
4. People that have no brain just don’t know what they r missing
5. Hurting yourself then trying to do the same thing again without hurting yourself
6. Not having Chocolate
7. Not being scared at times
Seven things you like the most:
1. Chocolate
2. Mates when they aint bein cunts
3. Ma Laptop
4. Sketching/drawing
5. Traveling
6. Music couldn’t live without it
7. Internet
Seven important things in your room now:
1. Ma laptop
2. Ma Phone
3. Ma Cushy Bed
4. Ma Wall
5. Clothes:P
6. Toiletries;)
7. Floor, where you can see it
Seven random facts about you:
1. I’m a Dreamer
2. M a pet person
3. I’m gonna rock this world someday
4. Ma B-day is 12/09/87
5. M a gal...:)
6. M listening to "schotty doesn't know rght nw:P
7. M sleepy rght nw:)
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Travel the world
2. Go into space
3. Not die/Kill Yamdoot
4. develop "MORPH"..nano rules:P
5. Live in a penthouse
6. Get backstage to a huge gig
7. Make a difference
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Eyes
2. Personality
3. Hair
4. Sense of humour/Wit
5. Individuality
6. Passion
7. Everything else
Seven things you say the most:
1. "Haan Kya"
2. "Ek Chaped Padegi"
3. "Whatever"
4. "Hao"
5. "Bakwaas Mat kar"
6. "Maar Khayega/Pit Jayega"
7. "Main Bahut cute sweet si ladki hoon:P”
Seven favorite drinks:
1. Golgappe ka Paani:)
2. Chocolate milkshake
3. Hot Coffee
4. Cold Coffee
5. Tang:P
6. Aam Rass
7. Nimbu Paani
Seven memorable kiddy shows you used to watch as a kid:
1. Tom and Jerry
2. Talespins
3. Duck Tales
4. Bewitched
5. Gummy Bears
6. Alladin
7. Tarang
wat is this...!
A ready to use guide to woo you...!
Damn, whr ws it all ths tym!
ahaa..thnx guys..
n wht wud lyf b w/o sum secrets..:P
I can agree to that...! :p
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