A tear rolled down, thoughts obscured
Reminiscence of the past, will the wounds cure?
Such is the wrath kismet bestowed
And you hear them intoning "let bygones be bygones"
For what will become of d soul you hurt
Will the pain be too much for the decrepit heart to hold up?
You entreat time to have mercy
For present today is not what you had forseen
You had trusted with time the pain would cease
That yesteryears wont sleuth your present with malice
That time would heal the deepest of wounds
That your lips might give in to smile as they should
That the tears will dry and heartbreaks replaced
The glumness the gloom that had usurped your face
But now as you lie, broken, frail
Waiting for the verdict of the sins you perpetrated
Wanting it all to be over nimbly and painfree
But more than anything else its "Forgiveness" that you seek!!
really nice one ... loved it ...
not too sure of the use of the word sleuth though ... you can fit in a better word there ..
keep up the good work (Y)
sleuth was all I could come up at that time:(
thnx anyways:)
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