Life...always plays its tricks on u..catches u least unaware...Their r tymz whn one feels can it get worse than this n thts whn u r hit with another blow on ur face. U may take ur pick from their, brood over whats gng wrng, hw unfair life is to u, torment ursefl with the repeated questions..WHY ME?? or just take a healthy look at the situation, take it in your stride, make the best you can of it n jst MOVE ON. I knw its better said than done. I maself m gud at preaching bt whn it actually comes to putting it in practice, i cudnt get worse. Its so hard to nt feel hurt when the people closest to u r on the giving end, its so hard to let go of something you have always cherished and nurtured and loved with every single breath of yours. But look at it from this side, if those ppl actually didnt mattered or cared for u, would they b holding the place they hold in your life? Would a single small act of theirs had the power to hurt u the way u r being hurt now? The answer cant be nything but a negative. So y hurt yourself over that. Y let the pain kill you deep within when practically no1 else would be aware of wht u r gng thru. So save urself the trouble and others the botheration, pack ur emotions n throw thm dwn the gutter. Just live for the moment n let others njoi their lives like the way you think you deserve to, n take whatever comes your way with a broad smile and a clear heart, coz grudges cause nothin but pain. Past is what is gone and if pondered upon will tarnish your present and future.
so ppl, i think...its tym to MOVE ON.........
Throw it away is again, easier said than done. A random visit, nice page you've got here !
thnxx...agreed its nvr easy to move on...m still havin a hard tym..:)...
Running away is not a solution...stay...reason it out...n face it...this is your chance to show urself that u r stonger than wt u think u were...
nice wrk
running away from the problem n situation is nt alwazz s ryt solution.. perhaps its better facin it than runnin away.. nice lines though ... gud work buddy..
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