This is one of my favorite,realistic and hard hitting one-liners. Heard it in one of the Tv shows and fell in love instantly. And ironically its true form was shown to me pretty quick. People alwayz leave..thts one truth of life u cant ignore howevr if and buts u mght invent 4ur convenience. Its fate who comes in ur lyf, luck 4who stays and destiny who gets to go..or who chooses to leave.Someone who mght mean your life in one timeline mght not evn be a part of it in the other.Such is the change life exhibits...thats wht LYF is.. and it always fascinates me how people go from loving someone to fault finders to hating and to absolutely nothin...tricky haan!!
But whatever happens...one should not quit loving for the fear of losing, living for the fear of dying, smiling for the fear of crying...lyfs got a creepy way to balance it all...n we mght nvr understand hw....but consider urself lucky for the people who entered ur lyf, for the happy moments they gave u...coz when u wer smiling someone else world's was being ripped apart...n u nvr knw whn u will change places...people mght leave bt thy they wil giv u memories worth a life tym..people mght change but they were ur happiness once..so whenever u r low...whenvr u feel defeated and abandoned and lonely..jst think abt tht happiness...those rosy memories when the sun cudnt have shone ny brighter, the sky cudnt hav been more clearer, the air more cooler, the heart more merrier, n ur lyf ...nthin short bt PERFECT.....n jst smile on the fact u wer lucky enuf to hav all that........
n trust me when I say...not evry1 cudnt have been luckier the way u wud have been....................njoi ur uniqueness...:):)
nice article...true in certain aspects but would like to ad to it...
people dont leave, its the perception of the people that u have in ur mind that changes.
When u consider the way u feel abt sm1, rem they also hav sm feelings abt you. U dont wnt thm to leave so do they. Its only when we want more, more than what can b given that people tend to start saying no. And ths no chnges the perception of the people u had.
U feel people are goin away bt its jst that people are the same...jst dun wana cm any closer...
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